Tippett 404 Coupe Restoration
Peugeot 404 Coupe renovation

Worlds Greatest Wagons Article -Curbside Classics
To understand Peugeot wagons, and the superlatives about to be heaped on them here, one needs to start with the basics: unlike almost...

Curbside Classic: Peugeot 404 Cabriolet - My heart throb spotted in Eugene
When I finally found a 404 sedan in Eugene, I spilled my love for it all over these pages. But what I had really lusted after was a...

Curb Side Classic Article - 1965 Peugeot 404 The Holy Grail is in Hand Literally
Nobody said that attaining one’s personal automotive Holy Grail was going to be easy, but finally there’s a Peugeot 404 gracing my...