404C Owner Rendezvous in Oakland, CA
In mid-January 2018 my friend Christy Mereigh and I set off from Vancouver BC, Canada on a quest to meet the owner of a Renault Dauphine...

Bronze Safe Castor Oil for 404 Rear Differential
On left, typical 404 sedan rear axle / differential with fill plug on top and drain plug on bottom (Do not need to remove 4 bolted plate...

Our Search for the Elusive North American Peugeot 404 Owner: A Report from the Front!
Overview of Peugeot 404 ownership in the United States and Canada. Anecdotes about Peugeot 404 North America owners and trends we find here

© 1993 by Mike Tippett L'Aventure Peugeot, in a list of 404 victories provided on request, identifies an impressive list of Peugeot 404...

The Peugeot 404 Coupe: French Touring Car with Hint of Italian Passion
Photography by Máté Boér The driving force behind the creation of each car collection is different, because the people who create them...

Worlds Greatest Wagons Article -Curbside Classics
To understand Peugeot wagons, and the superlatives about to be heaped on them here, one needs to start with the basics: unlike almost...

Curbside Classic: Peugeot 404 Cabriolet - My heart throb spotted in Eugene
When I finally found a 404 sedan in Eugene, I spilled my love for it all over these pages. But what I had really lusted after was a...

Curb Side Classic Article - 1965 Peugeot 404 The Holy Grail is in Hand Literally
Nobody said that attaining one’s personal automotive Holy Grail was going to be easy, but finally there’s a Peugeot 404 gracing my...