404C Owner Rendezvous in Oakland, CA
In mid-January 2018 my friend Christy Mereigh and I set off from Vancouver BC, Canada on a quest to meet the owner of a Renault Dauphine...

Tippett 404 Coupe Restoration
Peugeot 404 Coupe renovation

Clement Pigott's 1967 Cab injection renovation in CA!
Clement Pigott, an active le Club 404 member, has recently relocated to the Los Angeles area and has been working diligently on the...

404 Club Castor Differential Oil Arrived!
We are happy to report that our Club order for the special castor based SAE 90 oil for 404 differentials arrived from France. ...

Changing Wiper Motor Rubber Supports
During our New England winter Cabriolet hibernation, there are a few projects worth tackling. I had a problem with my windshield wiper...

Bronze Safe Castor Oil for 404 Rear Differential
On left, typical 404 sedan rear axle / differential with fill plug on top and drain plug on bottom (Do not need to remove 4 bolted plate...

A Life Journey Towards a 1966 Pininfarina 404 Coupe
In 1955 while still in love with my one year old Raleigh Lenten Sports bicycle with Sturmy Archer gears, Dad introduced me to a second...

Our Search for the Elusive North American Peugeot 404 Owner: A Report from the Front!
Overview of Peugeot 404 ownership in the United States and Canada. Anecdotes about Peugeot 404 North America owners and trends we find here

"Two Generations of 404 Father-Son Bonding!" Mac Worley's 1966 Cabriolet Legacy
My Dad purchased his new 1966 Peugeot 404C Cabriolet from European Automotive Distributors in Norfok, VA. I was born in 1962, so what I...

Peugeot 404 Hydrovac Rebuild Service in NA
Many former and present 404 owners in the US and Canada historically used White Post Restoration in Virginia to rebuild their hydrovacs. ...