French Car Events:
The french 404 Club has a large 404 gathering each year called the Assemblée Générale (AG). It usually takes place in May or June over a weekend in a beautiful area of France. Sometimes it attracts several hundred cars. They organize great sight seeing events, meals and a parts swap. Todd attended the 2014 AG and met lifelong friends. Check it out some year in France, but until then there are a few cool french car events in the USA and Canada (see more photos here: http://leclub40.o2switch.net/joomla2/photos)
Annual Citroen French Car Rendez-Vous in Saratoga, NY in June: Website: https://citroenrendezvous.org Article about gathering: http://autoweek.com/article/classic-cars/french-cars-will-invade-upstate-new-york-weekend Description: Mainly a Citroen gathering, but many Peugeots, Renaults, etc.. It is usually hosted on the 2nd or 3rd weekend in June. Those who attend say it is a lot of fun with much wine, bread, cheese and french car mania.
Import Auto Show in Carlisle, PA -3rd weekend in May: Website: http://www.carlisleevents.com/carlisle-events/carlisle-import-and-performance-nationals/default.aspx Description: This event attracts a number of Citroen, Renault, and Peugeots each year.
Jim Schlick’s annual "Pam’s Fall Meet / Cruise-in" Gathering: Jim Schlick of Bloomington, Indiana owns 14 Peugeots of which 3 are 404s (Cab, Coupe, Berline Sedan). Each year he hosts an annual get together on a Saturday in October to check out his cars and others in his late wife Pam’s honor. He can be contacted at JimSchlick@gmail.com or Tel. (812) 876-6526. Here are some photos from past events: http://imageevent.com/dkstef?n=0
Vintage Car Club of Canada: Vancouver Italian / French Father's Day Show: Each year the Vintage Car Club of Canada hosts a classic car show featuring italian and french cars. Mike is itching to show his restored 404 Coupe there soon! http://www.vccc.com/vancouvers-italian-car-show-fathers-day-edition/
Annual Best of France & Italy Annual Show in November at Woodley Park, Van Nuys in NW Los Angeles, CA: Website is www.franceanditaly.com. Contact at info@franceanditaly.com or by voice, (626) 797-4221. Event is hosted on 1st weekend in November each year.